women international day 2019

women international day 2019

An event that is considered a day that unites men and women across the globe.

International Women’s Day 2019 Women’s magazine on the constant desire for equality between women and men .

Women ‘s Lobby achievements

One of the most important landmarks in Europe in the field of the status of women received recognition this year when Orla O’Connor, Ailbhe Smyth & Grainne Griffin.

They received special recognition for their efforts to correct distortions in the Constitution of the Irish Republic on the Status of Women.

The three ran the Together4Yes campaign, mobilizing thousands of volunteers who together persuaded the Irish nation to change the constitution to the eighth clause that forbade a pregnant woman at risk to make decisions about the future of the process.

The amendment was approved in a referendum on September 7, 1983 and signed in the constitution on October 7, 1983.

This is indeed an achievement from the 1980s, but its return to public awareness in Europe and the world sharpens the achievement of the Israel Women’s Network in the past year.

In my opinion, penetration into collective consciousness around the globe in relation to the status of women and the aspiration for equality.

international Women’s Day in Russia 

We know them thanks to Novideg. But of course there is much more to it than that. Among Russians and other ussr countries, International Women’s Day 2019 is a special event.

On this day it is customary to prepare a personal ceremony between the man and his partner.

Whether it is a husband or wife or a spouse, the men from among the immigrants from the former Soviet Union conduct a special ceremony for the giving of gifts and special treats to the woman’s day.

It is customary to bring a beautiful piece of jewelry to the wife according to her taste as a special gift for the day, in which it is customary for women to finish work earlier than usual.

They spend the rest of the day indulging in a barbershop or spa, and finally, alongside a bouquet of flowers, the man trusts to prepare a romantic evening for his partner. It is a wonderful tradition that men in Israel and around the world can learn a lot from it.

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