the ten commandments in the bible

the ten commandments in the bible

At Mount Sinai at the time of the Exodus, I Israel received the Torah through the Tablets of the Covenant. On the tablets brought by Moses from Mount Sinai were engraved the Ten Commandments and verses full of pictures for download. all about the ten commandments in the bible

the ten commandments in the bible 

the ten commandments in the bible

Verses of the 10 Commandments with a full Hebrew score

The vertical God of your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt
You shall have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing.
Thou shalt not bear the name of the LORD thy God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
respect your father and mother
You will not kill.
Do not commit adultery.
You will not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness
You will not covet.


The purpose of the commandments is to create a society that is reformed on a constitutional basis

The guidelines in everything encompass all areas of life and in fact constitute the constitution of the Jewish people. Elements of any spoken can be found today in any normal set of rules. An extension to these laws was later nurtured in the Torah in the tradition of Chazal and commentary and they represent:

  1. Belief in God
  2. Monotheism, a ban on foreign work and a ban on photographers.
  3. Prohibition of bearing the name of God in vain.
  4. Mitzvot Shabbat
  5. The commandment to honor father and mother.
  6. Prohibition of social injustice
  7. Prohibition of False Testimony.
  8. You will not be coveted.



Over the years, the phrase 10 commandments has been incorporated into different traditions in quite a few cultures and knowledge sectors. In fact the phrase is a do’s and don’ts title in a variety of areas. From securing information on a technological subject to guidelines for cooking recipes at home.

The Ten Commandments movie for direct full-length viewing

They were three actors who were the hit of that era. The mid-fifties produced for us a number of historical epics starring Charlton Heston, Yul Brinner and Van Baxter. This is a film of the Ten Commandments for viewing with a built-in Hebrew translation. There are quite a few films that claim to prove archeologically and scientifically the Exodus of the children of Israel. But here it is a charming and captivating historical novel that stands the test of time.

Exodus and Mount Sinai through a lens of recommendation in the days when the backdrop in the studios was a work of art in her name and not a graphic prank of a computer. In English the movie is called ten commandments full movie 1956 English and you can watch it here.

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