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beit jimal monastery israel tour information

beit jimal monastery israel tour information

Its location on the road between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem invites for an hour’s visit in the time tunnel .beit jimal monastery is one of the largest, most important and impressive monasteries in Israel that is still active.

beit jamal monastery near jerusalem tour information ! 

beit jimal monastery israel

history beit jamal monastery 

road 38 leading to the city of Beit Shemesh. its surrounded by pine forests reminiscent of the roads in Tuscany.

serenity is very misleading, this is one of the most important and exciting roads in Israel’s War of Independence.

Between the sides of the road was a winding road paved to allow the Israeli liberation forces to reach besieged Jerusalem. It was called Burma Road.

A few kilometers south at the end of Route 38 is the beit jamal monastery

beit jamal monastery pottery

Three main buildings operate in the area of ​​the monastery, depending on the nature of the activity

Women’s monastery+beit jamal pottery The active population of the monastery. Most of the nuns come from France and Belgium, along with ascetic and solitary life, creating ceramics sold in the store along with jams and natural oils.

Church of St. Stephen

A church of small historical value. Her history begins with the search for the bones of St. Stephen and passes through Christian history until the days of Israel’s War of Independence

Church of St. Stephen

Monastery for men

Italian monks operate a shop selling olive oil from the monastery trees, wine from the convent vineyards and especially tasty olives

beit jamal pottery monastery opening hours

Monday – Saturday: 08:30-17:00

It is recommended to visit the place early in the morning or in the evening. Near Church of St. Stephen there is an observation point towards the Judean plain and the coastal plain of Israel. we recommended to plan your trip as long as you can to stay at the tranquil observation point

Watch the video Beit Gamal monastery Israel tourist attractions


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