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Aboriginal Australia Pictures by artist Michal Goren

Aboriginal Australia Pictures by artist Michal Goren

Artist Michal Goren reveals for the first time her unique paintings that trace the art of Aboriginal painters in Australia. In this article Aboriginal Australia Pictures. View photos in the article

Aboriginal Art Pictures

About 12 years ago, during Goren’s visit to the continent of Australia. the Israeli artist was exposed to the 5,000-year-old ancient art.

In Australia “I felt my hands were pleading to paint from the reservoir in my head” . Only recently did Goren decide to reveal her works to publish.

Aboriginal Australia Pictures

Goren began her career in education at the Ben Shemen Youth Village following her partner’s work and moved to Angola for three years where she ran a foundation to support artists from all over the rainbow and orphanages where she began developing her art.

When she returned to Israel, she began studying at the Avni Institute, but her studies were discontinued due to a move to Burma – Myanmar. There she ran an organization that aims to make Israeli technology accessible to developing countries most of whose funding in Myanmar was from the UN. The years in Angola and Myanmar were years in which Goren was exposed to the cultures, people and beauty within them. > And which she deals with to this day.

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Aboriginal Images

Attached to the photos are 4 photos of Aboriginal children from Australia. All the paintings are the work of the painter Michal Goren.

The hunter and his children, the story of creation, the blind hunter, in the net. Please note the artist’s email: mfgoren@gmail.com

This is an article translated into English. Source language Hebrew. Scooper website


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